Monday, May 06, 2013

What I wanna do/be:

1. Photographer (dream since young)
2. Open my own shop to sell pretty DIY stuff
3. Event planner (I know it's different from planning friends gathering, but I feel that this job is so cool!)
4. Pharmacist (developed since I started my part-time job as a clinic assistant. I know I wouldn't make it for this job alrdy, but if I were to choose all over again, I would have chosen you, pharmacy diploma!)
5. HR clerk (would probably end up here after my uni, before realizing my dreams one by one) & at least I prefer this to coding!
6. Open a HAPPY OLD FOLKS' HOME (would make it FOC if I have non-stop flowing of money to my pocket which O DONT THINK WILL EVER HAPPEN) hahaha

Hmm. Can't think of any now but listed above are some of thoughts of wannabe! Hahaha.

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